Time to Get Amusing

image shot at Ara Ha

So, here in Sonoma County, CA we are going to be closing up shop again, except for essential businesses. I understand; you are concerned about the amount of emails you are sending out to your client list. If the general population is anything like me, I’m reading MORE of my emails, looking at more of the sales and advertisements, since, well, I’m bored. Also, I do not want to go out and buy stuff from an actual store (eek-people!), so I’m buying stuff from my computer.

For you very serious brands, who don’t want folks to get the wrong idea, well, unless you have stepped out of your mold lately, you are not capturing my attention. (Sorry, Williams Selyem, Houzz and Tractor Supply! (Now you know who sends me stuff.)  This is the time to experiment and get interesting. Get amusing, which doesn’t mean silly. However, stuffy just isn’t going to capture the attention of buyers these days. I have a client who has increased their internet sales by 400% month after month during Covid, mostly because they were willing to step out of their normal box and get creative with sales and opportunities, without a huge spend. 

Think creatively. (Or, have someone else think creatively for you!  (Remember brainstorming??) Ask a 20-something. Or a 60-something. Or a something-other-than-you! See what you get!  The more often you think outside the box, the easier it will get. We all get stuck, but don’t get so stuck that you are out of business come April, when we are hopefully seeing daylight again.


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